Jayne Kennedy Overton Witnesses the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Cult
"BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" "Television brought to the forefront issues around race in profound and powerful ways. For decades, black people...

Savannah Overton's Dreams of Helping Students to Travel Abroad and Learn to Open Their Eyes Come
SAVANNAH OVERTON: Since I was in middle school I wanted to travel overseas. Since I was in high school I wanted to help students from...

Kopper Overton Completes Her First Ever Half Marathon and Ticks Another Item Off Her Bucket List
ROCK N ROLL HALF MARATHON KOPPER OVERTON: Ermahgad I did it! 😭😭 I cannot believe I ran a half marathon! That has been on my list for...

Savannah Recognized by DCPS Global Education and the International Baccalaureate Schools
Connect DCPS IB students with more college and career opportunities. In partnership with the DCPS College and Career team, DCPS Global...

Jayne Kennedy Overton Presents the Jesse Owens Lifetime Achievement Award to Olympic Gold Medalist,
In 1968 at the Olympic Games in Mexico,Bob Beamon set a new Olympic Record in the Long Jump that went so far past the previous record and...

Bumbleshoot Music Festival Finds Kopper Overton and GLOW
Congratulations Kopper on shooting and producing this video. Bumbleshoot was all aGLOW with JAKKs "Bumbershoot is an annual festival that...

SURPRISE - SURPRISE - SURPRISE After seven years of love and friendship, Jaris Williams has proposed to Savannah Overton in an incredibly...

2018 NBA Awards Reunites Jayne with Old Friends While Making New
What an evening! The NBA Awards were outstanding. I had a blast thanks to The Dallas Mavericks’ CEO, Cynt Marshall, who invited me as her...

Ever felt you were at the center of it all... Well this summer Savannah took 20 students to the midd
JOURNAL: Estamos aquí! Buenos días desde Quito! Quito is absolutely breathtaking from 9,935 ft above sea level "No hay libertad sin...