Jayne Kennedy Overton Master Class at The Duke Ellington School of the Arts

The Literary Media and Communication class assignment was to write a letter to Dr. Martin Luther King comparing in some way the challenges of the 50's and 60's Civil Right Movement and today's struggles in America. The students were having difficulty relating that time to today so I was invited to give them thoughts on how to express themselves, remain respectful, share my experiences, and guide them on potential topical paths to consider as it related to their own individual experiences. It was extremely enlightening for both myself and the class. Thank you Mark Williams , your students, DESA, and to my daughter Savannah Overton for this opportunity.

What an awesome sight to behold! The legendary Jayne Kennedy Overton was in the building! Such an iconic woman, with so many accomplishments. NFL Sports Anchor, actress, model, award winning television producer, philanthropist, beauty pageant winner, and so much more all rolled into one phenomenal woman! Thank you@jaynekennedyoverton for sharing such wonderful sentiments about our school! You are an inspiration to all, and we love you madly!❤️😆💯 Shouts to our Savannah Overton@savvyrere for bringing her amazing mother through to visit! . . . . #Repost @jaynekennedyoverton with@get_repost ・・・ How can you study here and not expect your heart, mind, and spirit to soar with every creative ounce you have within your being? How #blessed! PC@savvyrere . . . . #dukeellingtonschoolofthearts#dcpublicschools #janekennedyoverton#artschool #acreativedc
"Please give Mrs. Kennedy Overton a big thank you for us. The students really got a lot from her talk with them. They remarked that this was the best Master Class they've had all year and we have them at least once weekly. She raised new questions in their minds and prompted new perspectives based on the personal experiences she shared. They loved her! We hope she will come again."
- Kelli Anderson
"Outstanding! Seriously Plain Jayne! The kids said this is the first speaker they have heard this year that talked to them and not at them."
- Mark Williams, LMC Department Chair
Mark A. Williams is an artist, educator, and scholar. He has won awards for both his work as a writer, and an educator, and has been doing the former for more than twenty-five years, the latter for the past twenty years. He is currently the Chair of the Literary Media and Communications Department (LMC) at the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. His work at Ellington has been recognized in “Who’s Who Among American Teachers”, and the National Society for Advancement in the Arts Teacher Recognition. Additionally he is a recipient of the “Mayor’s Arts Award for Outstanding Contribution to Arts Education” in the area of Language Arts as well as the prestigious “Surdna Fellowship”. He also holds a M.A. in English from George Mason University, and has completed course work in their Ph.D. program in Cultural Studies