Jayne Returns to Celebrate the Didi Hirsch Mental Health Center's 75th Annual Erasing The Stigma
Our Mission:
Didi Hirsch transforms lives by providing quality mental health and substance abuse services in communities where stigma or poverty limit access.
Beverly Hilton Hotel for the Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services 75th Annual Erasing The Stigma Awards! Hanging with my #BabyGirl #1 Such a great night for a great cause.
Didi Hirsch now assists over 70,000 individuals and families each year at 11 sites and 65+ schools throughout Los Angeles County. Services are provided at its sites in Culver City, Mar Vista, South Los Angeles, the Pico-Union/Westlake area, Inglewood, Glendale, Los Angeles, Pacoima and Orange County. The agency participates in many coalitions including the Westside Shelter and Hunger Network; Los Angeles County Suicide Review; LAPD Task Force on Mental Illness; Impact Meetings in Service Area 5 and 8; Local Interagency Operations Network; Westside Domestic Violence Network; and the Community Partnership Council in Inglewood and surrounding cities.
We also collaborate and coordinate with other organizations to provide comprehensive services to the mentally ill, e.g., Venice Family Clinic, Asian Pacific Family Center, Alcott Center, Transitional Living Center, Crenshaw Christian Center, Our House, Step Up On Second, the Center for Healthy Aging, St. Joseph Center, FAME, Benefits Assistance Client Urban Project (BACUP), NAMI Urban Los Angeles, Department of Public Social Services, Mental Health Advocacy Services, Department of Children and Family Services, Department of Probation, L.A. County Office of Education, and the Department of Mental Health, among others.
In the 21st Century, the agency has continued to build for the future despite the nation’s economic volatility. Support from major foundations has enabled us to purchase and renovate three of our facilities, Jump Street, the S. Mark Taper Foundation Center, and Glendale Center. Adopted by the California electorate in November 2004, the Mental Health Services Act created a new permanent revenue source. This funding permitted the growth of services to the severely mentally ill and the expansion of prevention and early intervention services. In 2010, we began providing bereavement services in Orange County to individuals and families who have lost a loved one to suicide. In 2010 we opened of our Glendale center, expanding our services to a community with diverse cultures and unmet needs. More than ever before, our services are accessible and field-based where necessary; innovative and culturally competent; promote recovery and wellness; and involve clients, family members, and the community.
#DrKitaCurry #MelissaRivers #GeorgeSegal and more #didihirsch #Awards#JayneKennedyOvertonOriginals #jkoriginals #tanisworkingovertime. Omg.