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Pharrell Williams Talks Race, Black Women, Social Justice and Jayne Kennedy

EBONY: Since you seem so supportive of Black women, how did it feel to be accused of intentionally choosing not to feature Black women on your GIRL album cover?

WILLIAMS: It’s OK, because we got to talk about it. There was one writer who got mad and didn’t recognize that a biracial girl was on the album cover. But then when they realized she was biracial it became, well she’s not dark enough. My wife is half Black; her mama is Black. What more do you want? I love Black women. If you don’t think I love Black women, then you don’t understand me. I have obsessed over Black women since the days of Jayne Kennedy, Beverly Peele and Roshumba Williams. Those were the women I daydreamed about growing up. So I found the controversy over my album cover funny, but I understood it. It only proved what I was saying earlier: We still got some more work to do.

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