Bill Overton and Jayne Kennedy Overton Wins the NAACP Theatre Award for "Best Producers" f

The Journey of the African American is a theatrical musical which chronicles 400 years of the African American experience. Written and directed by Cepheus Jaxon the musical is produced by Bill and Jayne Kennedy Overton. Staged to run 6 weeks, but because of the tremendous success it continued to run for ten months at the Inglewood Civic Theatre, which was founded by the three of them. Featured on Entertainment Tonight by Mary Hart and sponsored in part by Anheuser Busch, Jayne Kennedy says, "This is one of the best things that I have ever done," Typically an audience is found leaving the show with tears streaming down their cheeks and a sense of pride in their heart. Beginning in Africa, surviving the Middle Passage to America, slavery, war, exodus to the north and all the way through the current days of hip-hop. The highlight of the cast experience came when they were invited to perform for Nelson Mandela when he was finally freed Robin Island and Mayor Tom Bradley invited him to Los Angeles. The 35 member cast performed on the steps of Lo Angeles City Hall.