50BOLD Chats with 70s icon Jayne Kennedy Overton
https://50bold.com/50bold-chats-with-70s-icon-jayne-kennedy-overton/ Jayne Kennedy Overton is a timeless beauty and symbol of an era in...

Savannah Overton's Dreams of Helping Students to Travel Abroad and Learn to Open Their Eyes Come
SAVANNAH OVERTON: Since I was in middle school I wanted to travel overseas. Since I was in high school I wanted to help students from...

SISTAHS ARE STRONGER IN THE WORKPLACE WHEN WE STAND TOGETHER by Lydia Blanco March 1, 2018 Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit:...

Savannah Overton talks with The Georgetowner Magazine on the grand opening of the newly renovated Du
The Georgetowner September 13, 2017 Issue: https://issuu.com/gmginc/docs/gt_09_13_17_10/22

Jayne Kennedy Talks Women Empowerment in Hollywood; 70s vs. Today
AT the 2017 Celestial Awards, Ramelle Carter caught up with Jayne Kennedy on the Red Carpet to discuss women in entertainment.

Jayne Kennedy and Easter Bonnets!
Talking Easter Hats with Meeka Robinson-Davis, owner/designer of One Of A Kind Hats, and Gayle Anderson of KTLA's Channel 5 in Los...

Debbie Allen, Jayne Kennedy, Art Evans, RaeVen Kelly and A. Russell Andrews talk Black History Month
LOS ANGELES, CA (FOX 11) - This week, FOX 11 News goes In Depth exploring Black History Month as it relates to the entertainment...

Radio interview
Talking It's A Mother Daughter Thing and Career Updates

Radio interview
Talking It's A Mother Daughter Thing